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An Automated, Web-Based Data Analysis Tool to Determine Overtriage and Undertriage of Trauma Team Activations in the Emergency Department

Author(s): Aubrey May B. Agcon, Monique C. Arnold, Bharti Sharma, Matthew Conn, Sittha Cheerasarn, Navin Bhatia, Kate Twelker, Carrie Garcia, Jasmine Dave, Zahra Shafaee, Juan Mestre, George Agriantonis, Jennifer Whittington

Background: Current trauma triage activation (TTA) criteria do not consistently anticipate every patient’s needs, often leading to inappropriate triage decisions. Accurate reporting of mistriage rates is imperative for optimizing trauma resource utilization and improving trauma care. The Standardized Triage Assessment Tool (STAT) evaluates the appropriateness of TTAs, determining the overtriage and undertriage of TTA. Our objective was to develop and evaluate an automated, web-based data analysis tool that assesses the appropriateness of a large number of TTAs.

Methods: Using Python, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), we designed a tool that calculates overtriage and undertriage in TTA datasets. We tested the tool on a dataset of TTAs from a large level 1 Trauma Center. The accuracy, time for calculation, and process efficiency of the tool were compared to the manual data analysis process by the programmer. For evaluation, ten trauma providers were led in an informational session about the STAT method and our tool’s features, and then they were asked to complete a 10-item Likert scale survey to evaluate the tool and provide open-ended feedback.

Results: Our tool demonstrated significant improvements in workflow efficiency, with 98% improvement in process efficiency compared to manual data analysis and 100% accuracy in automated processes. Evaluation of our tool by experienced trauma providers via the survey was overwhelmingly positive, with participants noting it was easy to use, timeefficient, and reliable.

Discussion: We developed an automated, web-based data analysis tool that provides a time-efficient process for accurate reports on overtriage and undertriage of trauma activations, with a potential for use in projects on quality improvement and research.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 4.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 72.62%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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