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Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Stability in Crises

Author(s): Dr. Abdel-Fattah HMM

The current study is aimed at putting the light on the role of emotional intelligence and emotional stability on confronting crises in general and the existing crisis of COVID-19 which has global impact till the present moment. Data were collected from different sources particularly the recent international scientific issues and publications as Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [1] as well as the current national issues. Data revealed that there is lack of awareness regarding the existing pandemic of corona virus (COVID-19) which requires clearance of the correlation between the physical and psychological impact on the human being all over the world. Also to clarify the importance of the emotional intelligence and emotional stability in confronting the existing fear and anxiety caused by corona virus. Finally there are certain recommendations could be taken in consideration to relieve panic and anxiety among the people facing the stress of mixed symptoms and signs of corona virus and how to deal with this crisis.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.3

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 70.29%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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