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Relationship Between Social Support and the Quality of Life among Psychiatric Patients

Author(s): Amal Sobhy Mahmoud, Abeer Elsayed Berma, Samar Atiya Abo Saleh Gabal

Background: Mental health disorders are medical conditions that influence individuals’ daily functioning, ability to maintain social relationships, and decrease their quality of life (QOL). Social support is meaningful because it is essential for mental health as well as enhancing psychiatric patients’ QOL.
Aim: This study was to assess the relationship between social support and QOL among psychiatric patients.
Subjects and Method: A descriptive correlational research design utilized for the current study. The study subjects were consisted a convenience sample of 115 patients from five psychiatric inpatient units and one outpatient clinic of Port-Said Mental Health Hospital. Three structured interview schedules were utilized to collect the necessarydata. Tool I: WHO Quality of Life Scale (Bref version), Tool II: The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, in addition to socio demographic and clinical data questionnaire.
Results: The study revealed that, more than half of the psychiatric patients reported low QOL and two third of them reported low social support. In addition, there was statistically significant positive correlation between social support and QOL. It was observed that disease onset, onset of treatment, and previous hospitalization significantly affect the social support level. While, the age, income, employment status, diagnosis, and disease onset significantly affects the QOL.
Conclusion and Recommendation: It can be concluded that, most of psychiatric patients have low social support and QOL. In addition, there is a relation between social support and QOL. Therefore, social support should be an essential part of psychiatric treatment because of its important role in enhancing patients’ QOL. The study recommended, increase the awareness of the mental health team about the importance of dealing holistically with psychiatric patients as considering his/her phy

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