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Treatment Approach of Different Hormonal Therapy for Repeat Breeding Dairy Animals in Nepal

Author(s): Ishwari Tiwari, Rubina Shah, Krishna Kaphle, Milan Gautam

Repeat breeders are the animals with more than 3 to 4 inseminations after calving having regular cyclicity yet failed to conceive. Therefore, it is considered as one of the most emerging and frustrated reproductive disorders among dairy herds in Nepal that hinders favorable productivity and causes heavy economic losses to the livelihood of the farmers. We performed a systemic review to be acquainted with hormonal therapy as a treatment of repeat breeding. The aim of the present review is to summarize the current information about the ongoing methods in the treatment of repeat breeders. Based on the review of articles, it was found that gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administration improved the conception rate in repeat breeder buffaloes and cows bearing dominant follicle in the ovary. In repeat breeder buffaloes and heifers with predominant corpus luteum and adequate body condition score (BCS), administration of PGF2α increased the pregnancy rates. Conception rate with Ovsynch protocol (GnRH-PGF2α -GnRH-TAI) usually was improved when initiation of program done during mid-diestrus i.e. days 5-12 of estrus cycle. Exogenous progesterone administration resulted in increased serum progesterone level during PGF2α injection that usually improves fertility of lactating dairy cows. In conclusion, hormonal treatment is considered to be most effective treatment to mitigate the problems of repeat breeding syndrome in Nepal. However, the first step of treatment involves good care, nutrition, better oestrus detection, timely insemination, periodic deworming to control parasite load and management of mating with bulls.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 1.1

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 80.20%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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