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ABO Blood Groups Non-O Appear to Associate with Anterior Projecting Nasal Anatomy, Elevated Nasal Bridge and Nasal Septum Deviation

Author(s): Donna K Hobgood

Nasal form shows variation between and among geographic populations. Embryology of anatomic structures suggests origins and interrelationships of the structures of the face and the functional thus clinical implications of that anatomy.

ABO blood groups are suggested to be correlated with nasal anatomy based on observations of nasal anatomy of individuals of known blood types. Studies have shown that anteriorly projecting nasal form is associated with large nasal septum and an obtuse cranial base angle as well as deviated nasal septum. Why ABO blood groups non-O would be associated with this anatomy is possibly traced to the initial H. Sapiens having both ABO A and obtuse cranial base angle. Other correlations are therefore unsurprising. Pituitary gland and hypothalamus are anatomically at the cranial base angle and appear to show variation linked to the angle and its correlates of nasal septal size and anterior projected nose and elevated nasal bridge. If the link between these anatomies and ABO blood group can be shown as significant, both anthropologic avenues of knowledge and future directions of human life can be enhanced.

Implications of this correlation are meaningful in both basic science research and in clinical medicine. A correlation of ABO blood group with anatomy opens a window into how and why there are differences in facial anatomy as well as what the differences signify about human health and well-being.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.3

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 70.29%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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