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Characteristics Associated with Choosing Long-Acting Reversible Contraception in Rural Guatemala: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster-Randomized Trial

Author(s): Margo S Harrison, Saskia Bunge-Montes, Claudia Rivera, Andrea Jimenez-Zambrano, Gretchen Heinrichs, Antonio Bolanos, Edwin Asturias, Stephen Berman, Jeanelle Sheeder

Design: We conducted a secondary analysis of a cluster-randomized trial to observe characteristics associated with women who chose to use long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) compared to those who chose a short-acting method 12 months after enrollment.

Methods: The trial studied four control and four intervention clusters where the intervention clusters were offered contraception at their 40-day routine postpartum visit; control clusters received standard care, which included comprehensive postpartum contraceptive counseling. Women were followed through twelve months postpartum.

Results: The study enrolled 208 women; 94 (87.0%) were in the intervention group and 91 (91.0%) were in the control group. At twelve months, with 130 (70.3%) women using contraception at that time. 94 women (50.8%) were using a short acting method compared to 33 (17.9%) who chose a long-acting method, irrespective of cluster. In mixed effect regression modeling adjusted for cluster, characteristics associated with a reduced likelihood of choosing long-acting contraception in multivariate modeling included age (aRR 0.98 [0.96,0.99], p = 0.008) and any education (compared to no education; aRR 0.76 [0.60,0.95], p = 0.02). Women who were sexually active by their enrollment visit (40 days postpartum) were 30% more likely to opt for a long-acting method (aRR 1.30 [1.03,1.63], p = 0.03).

Conclusion: Older and more educated women were less likely to be using LARC a year after enrollment, while women with a history of early postpartum sexual activity were more likely to choose LARC.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 76.63%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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