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COVID-19: Embracing Mental Health Upshot from the Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis

Author(s): Shamima Akter Somi, Priyata Dutta, Kazi Nusrat Tamanna, Hazera Hussain, Rashedul Hasan, Medha Ghose, Nusrat Uddin Tanni, Azma Parhin, Syed Ahmad Moosa, Md Sakibuzzaman

The ongoing coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic hails plenty of containment measures, such as lockdown, physical distancing, quarantine, and isolation. Together, these measures in general have been exerting a detrimental impact on global mental health. Thus, tackling this psychological impact is a top priority. To date, since December 2019, many studies in different countries have been conducted to mount these impacts, including acute stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorders. We reviewed current literature on COVID-19 to evaluate its impact on mental health according to age, physical condition (i.e., pregnancy, prior chronic disorders, previous mental disorders), period, social stigma. Particularly, we put a special focus on the psychological reactions during the stages of this pandemic among the general and affected population. Perceiving the pathophysiology of mental health impacts of COVID-19, their risk factors, and their outcomes in society (e.g., suicide, domestic violence, and subsequent mental health problems) will have tremendous value to direct the management strategy and tailor interventions.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.3

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 70.29%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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