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Dyslipidemia in Pregnancy and the Proper Reference Values: A Retrospective Study in South China

Author(s): Shufan Yue, Ling Pei, Wenzhan Chen, Zeting Li, Huangmeng Xiao, Zhuyu li, Haitian Chen, Xiaopei Cao

Background: Dyslipidemia during pregnancy is associatied with the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, there is no uniform diagnostic criteria. “Williams Obstetrics 24th Edition” (WO24) and Wang et al gave different lipid references based on ethnic groups. To address the proper reference values of pregnant lipid, we conducted this retrospective study in pregnant women in South China.

Methods: 642 pregnant women were calculated the normal lipid range by 95th percentile and analyzed the association between lipid levels and adverse pregnancy outcomes by logistic regression models. Prevalence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in dyslipidemia patients diagnosed by the three different references were compared by Pearson’s chi-squared (χ2) test.

Results: The prevalence of dyslipidemia were 15.26% by the references of our research, 11.53% by WO24, and 17.45% by Wang, respectively. TC level was the risk factor of preterm birth (PTB); and TG level was associated with the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and PTB. The odds radio (OR) for GDM in patients with abnormal TG levels were 4.28[1.28-14.28] by WO24’s, 3.06[1.43-6.57] by ours, and 2.62[1.13-6.11] by Wang's. The OR for PTB in patients with abnormal TG levels were 4.22[1.21-14.69] by WO24’s, 3.04[1.22-7.62] by Wang’s, and 2.31 [0.95-5.63] by ours. A increased risk of macrosomia was only seen in patients with abnormal TC level by Wang's reference (OR 3.67 [1.12-12.06]).

Conclusions: Dyslipidemia during pregnancy is associated with the increases of pregnant complications. The reference by Wang et al were more applicable in Southern China.

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