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Predictors of Marriage in Psychiatric Illness: A Review of Literature

Author(s): Shaily Mina

Introduction: Marriage is the significant life event in a person. Marriage in Indian society has significant role and acts has a significant stigmatization factor if unmarried or separate or divorced. Marital pathology is considered the most stressful in comparison to other life events in an individual’s life. When psychiatric illness is taken into consideration, it has a substantial role along with other factors in causing/worsening or relapse of the illness.

Methodology: The results of the various studies in Indian context are being attempted to be compiled. Search was done through EMBASE, PsycINFO and PUBMED.

Result: Epidemiological data supports the evidence that married individuals have less chances to have psychiatric illness. Epidemiological data supports the evidence that married individuals have less chances to have psychiatric illness. Positive correlation is illustrated with marital adjustment problems and anxiety/depressive psychopathology. When severe mental illnesses are compared worse marriage outcome is reported in schizophrenia patients.

Conclusion: It has been understood from the studies done so far that marriage acts as both protecting factor and predisposing/precipitating factor for the causation of the psychiatric illness. Still huge area related to marital problems (legal issues, marital separation, divorce, infertility, intimacy issues) in individuals and their spouse is unexplored.

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Impact Factor: * 3.3

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