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Public Stigma Associated with Epilepsy among Sudanese Residents in Alttondob Abu Kleioa Village, 2018-2019

Author(s): Ethar Hajo Ahmed Elsheikh, Amna Muawia Eltayeb Ahmed, Omnia Salih Mahmoud Alawad, Eman Fathi Ahmed Mohammed, Ayman Sabir Abdalla Ibrahim, Eman Alfatih khalafallah Mohammed, Amiena Mohammed SidAhmed

Introduction: Epilepsy associated stigma in Africa has been described largely in terms of enacted stigma or discrimination. We conducted a study of 157 original inhabitants. Stigma is known as a sign of disgrace or collection of wrong thoughts towards something.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to study the social stigma associated with epilepsy in Alttondob Abukleioa village, Al-Jazeera state, Sudan.

 Methods: A community-based cross-sectional descriptive study involving 157 original inhabitants is designed to examine the knowledge, attitude, practice, and stigma of epilepsy in Alttondob Abukleioa.

 Results: A total of 157 participants were interviewed. The median age of respondents was 34 and were females (88.5%). Most (87%) of participants had a formal education. According to the impact of epilepsy, (64%) think that epileptic patients can't pose risk to others, and (53%) having a normal IQ. (53%) admitted they will not marry an epileptic patient, while (84%) of them are willing to participate with an epileptic patient in any social work, and (85%) said that they will admit their illness.

 Conclusion: The findings indicated a need to increase epilepsy awareness programs as a means of increasing public knowledge of epilepsy with the aim of reducing stigma.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.3

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 70.29%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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