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Wound Care Education for Caesarean Section Clients: What Do Midwifery Students Know?

Author(s): Angelina Abban Ansu

Background: Complications associated with Caesarean Section (CS) delivery such as surgical site infection (SSIs) are complex. Infection of the CS wound has enormous consequences. A major risk factor associated with CS wound infection is lack of knowledge of CS clients about wound care. The knowledge of trainee midwives is critical if they are to educate CS clients on wound care.

Aim: The objective of the study was to explore midwifery students’ knowledge on the education of CS clients on wound care.

Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study purposely used 339 final year midwifery students within the Midwifery Training Colleges of Greater Accra Region. Participants answered a questionnaire formulated from relevant literature. Frequencies and percentages analyses were used for the data.

Statistical analysis: Stata SE version 13 software.

Results: This study revealed that 317 (93.1%), 325 (96%), 320 (94.4%) were knowledgeable about CS, surgical site wound care and education for CS clients on wound care respectively. Again, 286 (84.37%) of the students indicated that their training has equipped them to give education on wound care to CS clients. However, 227 (65.96%), 287 (84.66%), 179 (52.8%) did not have adequate knowledge on aspects of indications for CS delivery, surgical site wound care and education for CS client on wound care, respectively.

Conclusions: Majority of the final year midwifery students recorded higher knowledge scores about CS, surgical site wound care and education for CS clients on surgical site wound care. However, quite a number could not respond to aspects of indication for CS delivery and CS wound care.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 76.63%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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