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A Theoretical Approach for Discriminating Accurately Intrinsic Pattern of Biological Systems and Recognizing Three Kind Soybean Proteomes

Author(s): Huabin Zou

Proteomics is able to reveal plentiful information related to different physiological and pathological states of biology. Further, the determination of accurately proteomic pattern is the essential platform for deeply proteomic research. While this has been somewhat ignored so far. In this article the quantitative standard Pg=61%, a biological similarity constant for discriminating accurately intrinsic proteomic patterns was established depending on biological common heredity and variation information equation in symmetric variation state. On the other hand, a novel theoretical method was proposed for linearly dividing nonlinear data sequence into linear segments. The proteomes of three kind soybeans were precisely distinguished from one another by analyzing their infrared fingerprint spectra relying on this theoretically systemic approach. Additionally, methods employed in this paper enable us to quickly, accurately and quantitatively determine the proteomic patterns without using any prior knowledge and learning samples, and without using electrophoresis, high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques, which are high cost, time-consuming. This approach provide us with an excellent one for quickly accurate determining biological species, physiological states and diagnosing pathological states based on proteomes.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 4.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 77.66%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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