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Effectiveness of Combined Hysterolaparoscopy on the Quality of Life of Patients with Endometriosis: A Retrospective Review in Hungary

Author(s): Atombosoba Adokiye Ekine, István Fülöp, István Tekse, Zoltán Kovács, Pál Siklós, Ágnes Koppán, Miklós Koppán M

Objectives: Endometriosis degrades the quality of life of women and places an enormous burden on families and the healthcare system. The purpose of including hysteroscopy to laparoscopy, which is the mainstay for the diagnosis and treatment, was to evaluate and treat both the specific and nonspecific abnormalities that can impair fertility and well-being by improving surgical efficacy. This study aimed to highlight the effectiveness of combined hysterolaparoscopy on the quality of life in women.

Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective hospital-based study on 777 women who underwent combined hysterolaparoscopy at the endoscopy department of the hospital, for endometriosis-related symptoms.

Results: All 777 women were diagnosed with endometriosis by surgery and were in the range of stages 1 to 4 by the revised American Society of Reproductive Medicine. The mean age was 34.3 ± 5.1 years; the average age at the onset of symptoms was 29.1 ± 4.3 years. Pregnancy was successful in 81.3% (370/455) of those with infertility, with a live birth rate of 94.2% (327/347). The quality of life improved significantly, with 46% to 49% having moderate to significant improvement, and 35-% to 54% achieving significant complete resolution of symptoms (p<0.0005). Dyspareunia (80%), dysmenorrhea (74%), and infertility (69%) were the most common complaints.

Conclusions: Similar to other previous clinical studies on the quality of life of patients with endometriosis, this study showed significantly satisfactory outcomes of hysterolaparoscopy, regardless of disease stage and severity. Hysterolaparoscopy may be an adaptable treatment model after a thorough evaluation of patients and their desires.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 1.1

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 78.89%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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