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Questionnaire Evaluation Pre and Post Orthognathic Surgery

Author(s): Flavia Cascino, Niccolò Pini, Maria Elisa Giovannoni, Vittoria Fantozzi, Latini Linda, Guido Gabriele.

Purpose: The aim of the study is to evaluate the changes of quality of life of patients after orthodontic and orthognathic surgery.

Method: The study included 100 patients who underwent BSSO and LeFort 1. All the patients were under a questionnaire which we developed focusing on aspects of the ortho-surgical treatment: pain management, functional capacity, physical aspects, orthodontic and orthognathic timing. We divided the patient into two groups, Group 1 and Group 2, based on their answers: higher discomfort perceived for the surgery and for the orthodontic treatment respectively. We applied the the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test to evaluate the outcome relevance.

Results: Thirty patients (18 females and 12 males) reported more discomfort related to the surgery compared to seventy patients (39 females and 31 males) who considered the orthodontic treatment more discomforting. All the patients considered their expectation satisfied and they would suggest this treatment to other patients who may need it. However, the 13% of Group 1 (higher discomfort perceived for the surgical treatment) would not undergo to this treatment again.

Conclusion: The questionnaires revealed that the patients experienced more discomfort during the orthodontic treatment compared to the surgical treatment. Benefits of ortho-surgical treatment are generally high with a positive influence on patients’ quality of life, considering chewing and sleeping improvements as well as aesthetic satisfactions.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.1

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 76.66%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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