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Bioavailability of Micronutrient in Functional Tablet Developed from Blend of Baobab pulp, Moringa Leaf Powder and Malted maize Flour for Iron Deficient Pregnant

Author(s): Sènan Vodouhè, Sandrine E Kouton, Waliou Amoussa Hounkpatin, Mohamed M Soumanou


In this study tablet were prepared from blend of Baobab pulp (BP), Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MLP), Ocimum gratissimum leaf powder (OG) with malted maize (MMF) and wheat flour (WF) for iron deficient pregnancy. These raw materials were blended in different ratio respectively according to World Health Organization/United Nations Pregnancy Fund requirement nutrient intake per day for each mineral. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the content of Phytate (PA), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and bioavailability of Fe, Zn and Ca in terms of molar ratio in the tablet. Content of Fe (3.87-11.88 mg), Zn (2.23-5.8 mg), Ca (245.30-562 mg), Mg (85.60-248 mg) and Phytate (PA) (9.26-17.23 mg/100g) were significantly increased (P<0.05) as the blending ratio of BP and MLP increased. Molar ratios of PA: Fe (0.203-0.123), PA: Ca (0.018-0.022) and PA: Zn (2.925-4.089) was below the critical values 1.0, 0.24 and 15.0 respectively. Hence, Fe, Zn and Ca were bioavailable in all tablet while Fe bioavailability was more observed in T4 (55% BP, 20% MLP, 5% OG) than other treatments. Conception of 100g of this tablet per day, satisfy 38% of iron (Fe) RNI of pregnancy woman. In finally, the study indicated that T4 present good nutritional value and amount of Fe, Zn, Ca and Mg. However, T4 was found to be the best in terms of bioavailability of Fe while Zn, Ca and Mg was also bioavailable.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.0

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 76.32%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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    Editor In Chief

    Jean-Marie Exbrayat

  • General Biology-Reproduction and Comparative Development,
    Lyon Catholic University (UCLy),
    Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes,
    Lyon, France

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