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False Atrial Fibrillation Alerts from Smartwatches are Associated with Decreased Perceived Physical Well-being and Confidence in Chronic Symptoms Management

Author(s): Khanh-Van Tran, Andreas Filippaios, Kamran Noorishirazi, Eric Ding, Dong Han, Fahimeh Mohagheghian, Qiying Dai, Jordy Mehawej, Ziyue Wang, Darleen Lessard, Edith Mensah Otabil, Alex Hamel, Tenes Paul, Matthew F Gottbrecht, Timothy P Fitzgibbons, Jane Saczynski, Ki H Chon, David D McManus

Wrist-based wearables have been FDA approved for AF detection. However, the health behavior impact of false AF alerts from wearables on older patients at high risk for AF are not known. In this work, we analyzed data from the Pulsewatch (NCT03761394) study, which randomized patients (≥50 years) with history of stroke or transient ischemic attack to wear a patch monitor and a smartwatch linked to a smartphone running the Pulsewatch application vs to only the cardiac patch monitor over 14 days. At baseline and 14 days, participants completed validated instruments to assess for anxiety, patient activation, perceived mental and physical health, chronic symptom management self-efficacy, and medicine adherence. We employed linear regression to examine associations between false AF alerts with change in patient-reported outcomes. Receipt of false AF alerts was related to a dose-dependent decline in self-perceived physical health and levels of disease self-management. We developed a novel convolutional denoising autoencoder (CDA) to remove motion and noise artifacts in photoplethysmography (PPG) segments to optimize AF detection, which substantially reduced the number of false alerts. A promising approach to avoid negative impact of false alerts is to employ artificial intelligence driven algorithms to improve accuracy.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.5

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 74.36%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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