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Promising Therapeutic Targets to halt the Global Pandemic of SARS CoV-2

Author(s): Archana Chaudhary, Rizwanul Haque


The global coronavirus pandemic has posed serious challenges to entire world especially to the healthcare community. The widespread distribution of this virus has led to a major public health concern globally. In response to this crisis we have very rare specific tools to control the growing epidemic and treat those who are sick. We rely on quarantine, isolation, and infection-control measures to prevent disease spread and on supportive care for those who become ill. Now the race is to find viable strategies to discover potential candidate drugs to improve the immune system of patients to win the fight against SARS CoV-2, but at present no specific antiviral treatments or vaccines have been confirmed effective. In current situation while the whole mankind is eagerly waiting for a suitable vaccine, drugs presently being used to treat other diseases can be scrutinized as treatment option for COVID-19 pandemic. Although researchers all over the world are working to investigate the key features, pathogenesis and treatment options, it is deemed necessary to focus on existing competitive therapeutic options and cross-resistance of other viral drugs or vaccines. Here we summarized various promising candidates which are currently being used to treat other illnesses but can be a game changer in case of SARS CoV-2 virus to tackle this emergency. This review on recent updates will surely downsize the translational gap between preclinical testing results and clinical outcomes, which is a notable problem in the rapid development of an effective treatment options to fight this global crises.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.0

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 76.32%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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    Editor In Chief

    Jean-Marie Exbrayat

  • General Biology-Reproduction and Comparative Development,
    Lyon Catholic University (UCLy),
    Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes,
    Lyon, France

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