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An Appraisal of Behavioural and Non-Behavioural Factors Influencing the Male Infertility: Narrative Approach

Article Information

Sudarshan Nagorao kale*, 1, Jibanananda Mishra2

1Scholar at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India

2Chief Scientist and COO l AAL Biosciences Research Pvt. Ltd

*Corresponding author: Sudarshan Nagorao kale, Scholar at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.

Received: 19 April 2023; Accepted: 27 April 2023; Published: 06 June 2023

Citation: Sudarshan Nagorao kale, Jibanananda Mishra. An Appraisal of Behavioural and Non- Behavioural Factors Influencing the Male Infertility: Narrative Approach. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 14 (2023): 53-58.

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Male infertility implies a man can't begin a pregnancy with his female accomplice. Male infertility can have many causes. You may not make sufficient sperm or sound sperm. You might have a hereditary issue like cystic fibrosis. You might have a blockage in your genital plot. According to the latest WHO statistics, approximately 50– 80 million people worldwide suffer from infertility, and male factors are responsible for approximately 20– 30% of all infertility cases. The diagnosis of infertility in men is mainly based on semen analysis. the incidence of male infertility has increased worldwide. Infertility is characterized as the failure of couples to have a child following one year of customary unprotected intercourse, influencing 10 to 15% of couples. It is necessary to study the factors that influence male infertility in each area/region for better management. This paper represents various factors based on behavioral and non-behavioral conditions prompting for male infertility augmentation rapidly.


male infertility, behavioral and non-behavioral, systematic literature review SLR, spss analysis, etc

male infertility articles, behavioral and non-behavioral articles, systematic literature review SLR articles, spss analysis articles, etc articles.

Article Details

1. Introduction

is characterized as the failure of couples to have a child following one year of normal unprotected intercourse, influencing 10-15 percent of couples.1-4 As per the most recent WHO measurements, around 50-80 million individuals overall experience the ill effects of infertility.5,6 Huge scope studies have shown that about portion of all instances of barrenness happen because of female elements, 20 to 30 percent male variables, and 20 to 30 percent because of normal reasons for both gender.6-8 Late meta-examination concentrates by scientists show that male's variables are available in 20-70 percent of barrenness cases.7,9 These discoveries are fundamentally more extensive than recently revealed. Nonetheless, the extensive variety of male infertility in meta-examination studies may not mirror the pervasiveness of this complexity in all regions of the planet on account of reasons, for example, the absence of thorough measurable techniques that incorporate predisposition, heterogeneity in information assortment, and social imperatives. Given the huge commitment of male variables to

infertility in couples, as well as elevated degrees of obscure elements in male barrenness, an absence of comprehension of the basic components is by all accounts perhaps of the main test dealing with this issue. In this article, we have assessed the histological investigations of testicular tissue examples, male conceptive design, factors affecting male barrenness, procedures to find qualities engaged with infertility, accessible remedial strategies for male barrenness, sperm recuperation techniques in fruitless men, and helping regenerative strategy.

Infertility is a condition with mental, monetary, clinical ramifications bringing about injury, stress, especially in a social set-up like our own, with a solid accentuation on youngster bearing. As per the Global Board for Checking Helped Conceptive Innovation, World Wellbeing Association (WHO), infertility is an illness of regenerative framework characterized by inability to accomplish the clinical pregnancy following a year or a greater amount of standard unprotected sexual intercourse.[1] It can likewise be characterized as disappointment of couple to consider following a year of customary intercourse without the utilization of contraception in ladies <35 years; and following a half year of normal intercourse without the utilization of contraception in ladies ≥35 years.

According to the WHO, the general pervasiveness of essential barrenness ranges somewhere in the range of 3.9% and 16.8%. [5] Likewise, the evaluations of infertility shift broadly among Indian states from 3.7% in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra, [13] to 5% in Andhra Pradesh, [14] and 15% in Kashmir. [15] In addition, the predominance of essential infertility has likewise been displayed to change across the clans and positions inside a similar district in India. [13,16]

It was accounted for that 40% of infertility cases were connected with men, 40% of ladies and 20% of both sexes.[17] As per a metacentric review led by WHO from 1982 to 1985, 20% of cases were credited to male elements, 38% to female variables, 27% had causal variables distinguished in the two accomplices, and 15% couldn't be sufficiently ascribed to either partner.[18] In Indian couples looking for treatment, the male component is the reason in roughly 23%.[15] A new report on the situation with barrenness in India, expresses that almost half of barrenness is connected with the conceptive peculiarities or problems in the male.[19] likewise, more than 25% of infertility cases, no recognizable reason can be followed after routine tests, which leaves the case as unexplained barrenness.

1.2 Male Infertility: An Impoertant Factors

Signs and symptoms you may notice include:Problems with sexual function— for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area. Recurrent respiratory infections. Infertility affects one in every six couples who are trying to conceive. In at least half of all cases of infertility, a male factor is a major or contributing cause. This means thatabout 10% of all males in the United States who are attempting to conceive suffer from infertility.

The various cultural factors which impact on fertility arethe marriage system, the family system, religious systems, regional subculture, norms concerning desired family size, and other fertility norms such as astrology and breastfeeding. Infertility has significant negative social impacts on the lives of infertile couples and particularly women, who frequently experienceviolence, divorce, social stigma, emotional stress, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.


Figure 1: Male Infertility System

2. Literature Review, SLR

Naina KumarandAmit Kant Singh [1] The present study is only a review of various studies conducted all over the world. The exact rates of male infertility from developing countries like ours are difficult to find because of the problem with the definition of male infertility and lack of accurate reporting rather than a true reflection of male infertility. But still in future, we can conduct various research studies to find out the major causes of male infertility and can work in that direction to reduce such factors which can affect the future fertility of males.

Ashok Agarwal [2] This study demonstrates a novel and unique way to calculate the distribution of male infertility around the world. According to our results, at least 30 million men worldwide are infertile with the highest rates in Africa and Eastern Europe. Results indicate further research is needed regarding etiology and treatment, reduce stigma & cultural barriers, and establish a more precise calculation.

Emad Babakhanzadeh [3] male infertility in many cases remains unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new key factors and diagnostic and noninvasive biomarkers. Over the past few years, the identification and evaluation of small noncoding RNAs in many diseases, including infertility, has helped greatly in understanding the underlying mechanisms of disease. But this alone is not enough, and through increased insight into the complex stages and processes of pregnancy in humans, more key elements must be identified so that infertile couples can enjoy the chance of a natural pregnancy in addition to reducing costs and problems. With the advances in technology and the introduction of new methods and approaches, it is hoped that many of the causes of male infertility will soon be identified and treated.

Christopher L R Barratt [4] the analysis of the literature was primarily provided by WHO Human Reproduction Program (WHO Reproductive Health and Research Department, HRP (the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction)).

Victor Ohenhen[5] The results indicate limited knowledge of the actual causes of male infertility in published studies. The gaps in knowledge that need to be bridged to enable a fuller understanding of the actual causes of male infertility were highlighted.

Hamideh Jafari [6] The present review suggests that the factors affecting male infertility in Iran are similar to those reported from other countries. The results of this study can be used in adopting appropriate strategies for infertility management in Iran.

Karin Hammarberg [7] Men aspire to parenthood as much as women do but have limited knowledge about the factors that influence fertility. The gap between ideal biological and ideal social age for having children appears to be widening, narrowing the time frame in which parenthood can be achieved. This may lead to unfulfilled parenthood aspirations. The findings can inform government policies and public education strategies aimed to support childbearing during the most fertile years, reduce the personal and societal cost of infertility and ART use, and allow people to fulfil their parenthood goals.

Stürup[8] Our results show that food protein deprivation does not affect the sperm viability of the drones. Sperm production in social insect males ceases on eclosion (Hölldobler and Bartz 1985), after which the sperm cells mature and are subsequently stored in the accessory testes until mating. Hence, it might be possible that nutritional manipulations after eclosion have little effect on the sperm cells themselves as they are already produced and are protected inside the accessory testes. However, deterioration in seminal fluid quality as opposed to direct sperm death would also result in reduced sperm viability.

Damayanthi Durairajanayagam [9] The major lifestyle factors discussed in the present review are amongst the multiple potential risk factors that could impair male fertility. However, their negative impact may well be mostly overcome by behaviour modification and better lifestyle choices. Greater awareness and recognition of the possible impact of these lifestyle factors are important amongst couples seeking conception.

3. Suggestion And Findiings

The causes and risk factors of male infertility as identified in the reviewed studies are presented using four broad themes: biological/physiological causes, behavioral/lifestyle risk factors, environmental risk factors, and socio-demographic risk factors.

Behavioral Risk Factors:

Existing evidence points to cigarette or tobacco smoking, alcohol intake, poor health-seeking behavior among men, untreated or poorly sexually transmitted infections, sexual promiscuity, overweight/obesity, medication, and coital frequency as some of the significant behavioral risk factors for male infertility.

NON behavioral factors:

Other risk factors for male infertility included excessive intake of antioxidants, previous exposure to drugs, and the use of native medications, and infections. Illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, anabolic-androgenic steroids, opiates (narcotics), and methamphetamines, psychological stress, caffeine and unhealthy diet were identified as lifestyle risk factors for male infertility in a review conducted by Durairajanayagam.Another significant factor was coital frequency.

4. Risk Factors for Male Infertility

These factors can causemale infertility:

  1. Enlarged veins (varicocele) in the scrotum, the sac that holds the testicles.
  2. Genetic disorders, such ascystic fibrosis.
  3. High heat exposure to testicles from tight clothing or frequent use of hot tubs and saunas.
  4. Injury to the scrotum or testicles.
  5. Low sperm count orlow testosterone(hypogonadism).
  6. Misuse ofanabolic steroids.
  7. Premature ejaculationor retrograde ejaculation (semen flows back into the bladder).
  8. Testicular cancerand treatments.
  9. Undescended testicles.

Figure 1.1: Causes of Male Infertility

Male infertility is a worldwide and huge medical condition. A predictable subject is the prerequisite for public and worldwide endeavors with enormous scope, multi-focus concentrates on including different geological areas. Extensive provincial varieties in key records of male conceptive wellbeing have been accounted for (Skakkebaek et al., 2016) yet these are in many cases on a somewhat neighborhood scale. It is basic to figure out possible varieties in sentinel markers of male conceptive wellbeing, in different nations/locales as well as in low and center asset settings universally, to illuminate on additional arrangement and practice.

These tests can help analyze or preclude a male richness issue:

Semen investigation: This test checks for issues with sperm, for example, low sperm count and unfortunate portability. A few men need a needle biopsy to eliminate sperm from the balls and test it. For most men, this is the main necessary test in the workup of fruitlessness. Blood test: A blood test can check testosterone, thyroid and other chemical levels. Hereditary blood tests search for chromosomal irregularities. Scrotal ultrasound: A ultrasound of the scrotum recognizes varicoceles or other testicular issues.

Treatments for male infertility include:

Medications:Medications can raise testosterone or other hormone levels. There are also drugs for erectile dysfunction.

Surgery:Some men need surgery to open blockages in the tubes that store and carry sperm. Varicocele surgery can make sperm healthier and can improve the odds of conception.

5. Conclusion

in this paper we have determine various risk factors based on behavioral and non-behavioral factors for influencing of male infertility. the various studies found that serum problem erection, generic disorder, drugs addiction, and gene problems is man factors for influencing male infertility. The results indicate limited knowledge of the actual causes of male infertility in published studies. The gaps in knowledge that need to be bridged to enable a fuller understanding of the actual causes of male infertility were highlighted. This study demonstrates a novel and unique way to calculate the distribution of male infertility around the world. The exact rates of male infertility from developing countries like ours are difficult to find because of the problem with the definition of male infertility and lack of accurate reporting rather than a true reflection of male infertility. But still in future, we can conduct various research studies to find out the major causes of male infertility and can work in that direction to reduce such factors which can affect the future fertility of males.


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