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Re-establishing the Reality of the Women-only Amazon Societies by Integrating the Evidence from the Historical Record

Author(s): Peter Brecke

The Women-only Amazons were societies where women lived without men on a sustained basis and displayed military prowess. These Amazons were those first described by ancient Greek historians and other authors. Currently, the Women-only Amazons are widely considered to be mythological. This paper and its appendices provide extensive evidence that the Women-only Amazon societies were real. Using internet technologies, this research integrates a vastly expanded sample of documents written about the Women-only Amazons as societies from the ancient authors who were their contemporaries. This research found 78 authors that described where the Amazons lived and when, as well as how. From this unprecedented assemblage of descriptions about the Amazons emerges four related groups of Women-only Amazon societies. Google Earth maps portray where the different Amazon groups lived, and the data show they existed for at least 1700 years. This research finding is relevant to the modern world because descendants of some of the Amazons contributed to the establishment of one of the foundations of modern democracy. This research intends to stimulate and focus archaeological research by identifying and placemarking as precisely as possible the locations of the Women-only Amazons provided by the ancient scholars.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 1.1

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 78.89%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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