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Journal of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (ISSN: 2688-5107) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal encourages researchers to publish new developments in Bioinformatics and computational biology. The journal publishes all types of articles such as original research, review articles, case reports, short communications, editorials, letter to the editor, etc.

Journal of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology covers all the major topics such as Analysis and modelling of complex systems, Comparative genomics, Data visualization, Imaging and image analysis, Knowledge-based analysis, Machine learning and artificial intelligence in bioinformatics, Networks analysis, Novel computational methods for the analysis of biological systems, Proteomics, Sequence analysis, Structural analysis, Transcriptome analysis, DNA sequencing, Sequence assembly, Genome annotation, Computational evolutionary biology, Comparative genomics, Pan genomics, Genetics of disease, Analysis of mutations in cancer, Gene and protein expression, Analysis of gene expression, Analysis of protein expression, Analysis of regulation, Analysis of cellular organization, Microscopy and image analysis, Protein localization, Nuclear organization of chromatin, Structural bioinformatics, Molecular interaction networks, High-throughput image analysis, High-throughput single cell data analysis, Biodiversity informatics, Ontologies and data integration, Databases, data mining, genome assembly, drug design, drug discovery, protein structure alignment, protein structure prediction, prediction of gene expression and protein–protein interactions, genome-wide association studies, the modeling of evolution and cell division/mitosis, artificial intelligence, image processing, computer simulation, Proteomics, Phylogenetics, Metabolomics, Functional genomics, Computational genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, etc.

Open Access: Unrestricted visibility to the readers.

High Visibility: Journal of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology indexed or abstracted in Google Scholar,  Semantic ScholarCrossRefWorldCatResearchGateScribdBaidu ScholarAcademic KeysDRJIMicrosoft AcademicScilitAcademia.eduOpenAIRE

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*Impact Factor mentioned on our website is provided by Cosmos Foundation, Germany.

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Impact Factor: * 4.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 77.66%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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