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The Use of Complementary Practices by Patients Undergoing Medically Assisted Reproduction: The place of Chinese medicine and related practices

Author(s): O Serri, A Meunier, PE Bouet, H El Hachem, B Liu, P May-Panloup

Purpose: Infertility is associated with different factors, highly intricated but sometimes ill-defined. Despite the significant recent technological and therapeutic advancements, the success rates of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) remain relatively low. In this context several women have recourse to complementary practices (CP), in the hope of improving success rates and lowering the associated strain. These methods, are quite heterogenous, and are yet to be comprehensively analyzed in the literature. The objective of our study was to evaluate, in women consulting at our fertility center, the current interest in these CP and more specifically, the role of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and associated Mind Body Intervention (MBI).

Methods: A prospective monocentric survey study at the fertility center of the Angers University Hospital between January and May 2022.

Results: 150 questionnaires were analyzed. Approximately 50% of women have recourse to CP, in the hope of improving the success rates of ART and reducing the associated stress and fatigue. The main CP used were the ones based on body manipulation, TCM and MBI. The lack of use was mainly linked to a lack of knowledge of these methods, and the vast majority of women would like to receive additional information about CP from the physicians at the center.

Conclusion: Our study shows a significant interest in CP in reproductive medicine. In view of the benefits of some of these practices, at least on the quality of life of patients, information on their value should be made available to all couples undergoing ART.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.25

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 74.39%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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