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Chronic Muscular Skeletal Pain Syndromes, New Models for an Old Problem. Specific and Nonspecific Pain- Time to Move on

Author(s): Niemier K, Schulz J, Emmerich J, Liefring V, Beyer L

Chronic muscular skeletal pain syndromes remain a common and poorly understood medical problem. The classification of specific and nonspecific pain has not proven valuable. Therefore is seems necessary to introduce a new model as the basis for further research and clinical practice. We would suggest the functional system of behavior developed by Anokhin as a basic model. It contains all relevant elements influencing the development of chronic muscular skeletal pain. The interaction of pathomorphological and psychosocial factors, somatic dysfunctions and neurophysiological changes in the peripheral and central nervous system are thought to be relevant for the development of chronic muscular skeletal pain syndromes. The complex interactions and the possibility to compensate impairments can be shown within the model. Furthermore, a subgrouping of patients might be possible. For this a standardized clinical assessment should be developed and scientifically evaluated.

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Impact Factor: * 5.3

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 73.64%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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