Municipal Solid Waste Characterization as a Measure towards Sustainable Waste Management in Abuja, Nigeria

Author(s): Aderoju Olaide M , Guerner Dias A

The constant generation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a global concern in terms of quantity and its variety. The composition of MSW is influenced by the level of income; the season of the year; population; culture and lifestyle of people living in that community. Nigeria, in particular, is currently struggling with the menace of the upsurge in the quantity MSW in her major cities, but concern only with its collection, transportation, and disposal, however neglecting the prospect of material recovery from MSW for recycling. On this note, the study aimed to characterize MSW from identified dumpsites and at household level in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) and Bwari area council, Abuja, Nigeria towards a sustainable and efficient MSW management. The methodology used in this study was carried out in both wet and dry seasons, and each season entails; the use of American Standard Test Method [1] to determine the composition of unprocessed MSW at dumpsites 3 days in a week for 4 weeks and, the segregation of MSW into colored bags representing waste category at the household level was done for 2 weeks. The use of a stratified and random sampling method was employed to administer the questionnaires for data acquisition. The results show that the level of income played a significant role in the constituents of MSW generated at district level. In conclusion, food waste/organics and plastic waste are the predominant MSW categories in AMAC, and Bwari area council, Abuja, Nigeria. The characterization of MSW is essential for a long-term effect and sustainable solid waste management plans in order to design an appropriate and efficient waste management system for the society.

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