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A Review on the Phytochemicals of Parkia Speciosa, Stinky Beans as Potential Phytomedicine

Author(s): Nurul Izzah Ahmad, Salina Abdul Rahman, Yin-Hui Leong, Nur Hayati Azizul

Plants pythochemicals are extensively known for their advantageous in health to promote biochemical benefits in the area of reactions, cofactors and inhibitors of enzyme, absorbents/sequestrants that bind to and eliminate undesirable elements in the human body. Some research findings have supported the beneficial role of phytochemicals against cancers, coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation and many other diseases. This review discussed phytochemical compounds properties of Perkia specios (PS) in Malaysia. The plants of focus are smelly legumes/stink beans; commonly grown and cultivated in Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia and in some parts of Northeastern India. The young leaves, flowers and fruits that are collected from the wild are consumed as vegetables and herbal medicines. The seeds are either eaten raw or cooked and half-ripe seeds can also be traditionally prepared as a pickle in brine. The review will be useful for future studies through current knowledge on the phytochemical elements and medicinal functions to a possible magnitude with relevant data as these plants have potential to be developed as phyto-/herbal-/botanical medicine.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 3.8

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 77.96%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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