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The Relationship Between Consumptions of Dairy and Fermented Dairy Products in Lactose Intolerance Among Students of A Foundation University In Istanbul

Author(s): Hulya Demir, Elif N Savci, Can Ergun

This study was conduct to determine the gastrointestinal symptoms after the consumption of milk and dairy products, lactose intolerance status and knowledge with Pre-school Teacher Education departments students at a Foundation University. The study was carried out with 200 female students on a voluntary basis. A data information form with 22 questions was applied to the participants. NCSS (Number Cruncher Statistical System) 2007 (Kaysville, Utah, USA) program was used for statistical analysis. General information, milk, milk products and foods that may contain lactose consumption frequencies, gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating in the stomach, stomach cramping, vomiting and nausea after consumption of milk and fermented milk products like yoghurt, kefir, cheese were obtained via data information form. Monthly consumption of milk and dairy products of the participants, total energy, calcium, lactose amounts were calculated. . It was observed that the students consumed cheese and yoghurt more. Among those participating in the study, the rate of those who were diagnosed with a health care provider and had lactose intolerance was found to be 1%, while those who are suspected of lactose intolerance were 36%. It was found that 76.3% of the students who thought that they had lactose intolerance started to feel the symptoms later. The rate of lactose intolerance in patients with chronic disease compared to patients without chronic disease was found to be statistically significantly higher. When evaluated according to lactose intolerance after drinking milk, the distribution of the severity of the cases of abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas passing, stomach bloating, cramping and nausea show statistically significant difference. When the patients with and without lactose intolerance were compared, monthly calorie, lactose and calcium values from ayran and cheese were found to be statistically significantly lowe

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Impact Factor: * 3.8

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