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5G Radiofrequency Radiation Caused the Microwave Syndrome in a Family Living Close to the Base Stations

Author(s): Mona Nilsson, Lennart Hardell

The fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication has been implemented in various countries since 2019. The deployment in Sweden started in 2020 where the used frequencies for 5G in cities are around 3.5 GHz. Recently, we published three case reports on persons that developed the microwave syndrome within short after the installation of 5G base stations close to their dwellings. The health symptoms were attributed to high levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation measured in their apartments. In this article we examine a family of three persons living at distances of about 50 and 70 meters to two 5G base stations. The base stations are located on the top of two 6-floor buildings and the antennas are directed towards the family’s apartment on the 4th floor on the opposite side of the street. Measurements in the apartment were made 10 times at every place, each measurement during 1 minute. Highest levels were measured close to the two windows in the master bed room varying from 320 000 to 1 200 000 μW/m2 . High levels were also found at the window of the son’s room, 121 000 to 490 000 μW/m2 , and the daughter’s room 34 800 to 166 000 μW/m2 . Somewhat lower levels were found in the beds at the place of the pillow for all family members. Lowest levels were measured in the kitchen on the opposite side of the apartment, 710 to 3 260 μW/m2 . Health problems were assessed by using a structured questionnaire similar to our previous studies. The family members reported symptoms included in the microwave syndrome to varying self-estimated degrees. The daughter had the most severe health issues, for example sleeping problems, headache, concentration and memory problems, skin disorders, irregular heartbeat, light sensitivity, anxiety and panic attacks.

These results are in line with previous case studies showing that deployment of 5G cannot be made without risks to human health, especially for those living or working in the proximity of the base stations.

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Impact Factor: * 4.1

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 74.74%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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