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Epidemiology, Treatment, and Evolution of Glioblastoma in a Low-Income Country: Moroccan Experience

Author(s): Asmaa Naim, Hamza ouazzani, Soumya Rafii, Abdessamad Azhari, Abdallah Badou

Purpose: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive and frequent primary brain tumor in adults. Its prognosis remains dismal despite breakthroughs in all therapy modalities. This study was out to present the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary characteristics of glioblastomas in our center as a low-income nation.

Patients and Methods: The study was carried out at University hospital in collaboration with two departments: Neurosurgery and Cancer therapy Center between June 1st, 2016, and June 30th, 2021. Two qualified physicians retrieved all of the data from the hospital's medical records. All clinical, paraclinical, and evolutionary characteristics were collected. Utilizing an Excel data file, the data was extracted, coded, and analyzed using GraphPad Prism 6.

Results: The study concerned 35 patients, their median age was 60,6 years [32-87] with a male predominance (sex ratio M/F=2,18), Clinical signs varied; motor impairment was present in 60% of patients, intracranial pressure syndrome in 48.5%, higher function problems in 37.1% and seizures in 20% of cases. Complete resection, partial excision, and biopsy were the surgical techniques used in 34%, 40%, and 26% of the cases, respectively. Twenty-two patients received radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy according to the STUPP protocol in 15 cases. The evolution at 3 months could be characterized in 28 patients and was marked by 14.2% good response, 37.1% stability, 20% progression and 8.5% death. Patients with Glioblastoma with good KPS score>70 and a low ki67 index who received total resection, followed by radio-chemotherapy, had longer median survival, which was 12 months on average.

Conclusion: Our epidemiological findings are comparable to previously published data; however, in o

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 4.1

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 74.74%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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