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Perception and Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Therapy and Diagnostics: A Population-Representative Survey

Author(s): Cornelius G Wittal, Doerte Hammer, Farina Klein, Joachim Rittchen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is understood as a system’s ability to correctly interpret and learn from data, and to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation to those learning’s. Despite a broad range of available applications for artificial intelligence in medicine, healthcare professionals are reluctant to implement AI-powered devices. Data on the perception of medical AI in the German general public are currently rare. Therefore, two online surveys were conducted in 2021 in Germany to assess knowledge and perception of artificial intelligence in general and in medicine, including the handling of data in medicine. A total of 1,001 and 1,000 adults, respectively, participated in the surveys. The survey results stress the need to improve education and perception of medical AI applications by increasing awareness, highlighting the potentials, and ensuring compliance with guidelines and regulations to handle data protection. This survey provides first insights into this relevant topic within the German population.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 5.3

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 75.63%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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