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Hepatic Angiosarcoma: A Rare Cause of Acute Liver Failure Case Report and Review of the Literature

Author(s): Yasmine Laraqui Housseini, Raissouni Khouloud, Derqaoui Sabrine, Ahmed Jahid, Zakiya Bernoussi, Kaoutar Znati

Hepatic Angiosarcoma is a rare, high grade, aggressive mesenchymal tumor. It is the most common malignant mesenchymal tumor of the liver, but is nonetheless rare, accounting for 2% of all primary liver malignancies, with a male predominance. Some hepatic Angiosarcoma were associated with exposure to anabolic steroids, radiation, thorium dioxide, arsenic, vinyl chloride and use of oral contraceptives, but most cases are now considered idiopathic. Given that hepatic angiosarcoma clinical, laboratory and radiologic presentation are non specific, radical resection of the tumor is being currently the best treatment option. Its diagnosis is difficult and often delayed, and requires histopathological examination. The prognosis is extremely poor with a high mortality rate and few therapeutic options. We report a case of a woman who presented with acute liver failure, which is a very unusual presentation of HAS, diagnosed with hepatic angiosarcoma through a liver biopsy. She had a rapidly worsening clinical course and died within four months of diagnosis.

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