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Palliative Management of Unresectable Oral Carcinoma by Laser Ablation and Chemotherapy- Case Report

Author(s): Rusy Bhalla, Seemantini Bhalla, Ashish Kapadia, Parag Shah

Inoperable and unresectable carcinoma of oral cavity is defined as the tumour which has an extensive infiltration in the buccal tissues. Any operation to remove this tumour involves an extensive surgery in which complete resection is not possible and a significant cancerous tissue is left behind. These patients are administered NACT (neo adjuvant chemotherapy) to decrease the tumour load in hope of making the tumour resectable. In most cases they are administered a combination of chemotherapy and radiation as a means of palliation. Laser ablation can bring down the tumour content predictably by a great extent in a single session. A 28 year old patient presented with a massive buccal carcinoma which was refused resection or any other intervention by major hospitals. He was a chronic tobacco chewer for last 10 years. On presentation he was suffering from pain from 2 months and oral bleeding for 1 week. Laser ablation procedure was performed. His pain subsided in 24 hours and swelling gradually decreased over 2 months. Conclusion: Laser ablation is a new and viable alternative to surgery in selected cases.

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Impact Factor: * 4.1

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