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Combining ALT/AST Values with Surgical APGAR Score Improves Prediction of Major Complications after Hepatectomy

Author(s): Mitsiev I, Rubio K, Ranvir VP, Yu D, Palanisamy AP, Chavin KD, Singh I

Hepatectomy is a complex procedure with high morbidity and mortality. Early prediction/prevention of major complications is highly valuable for patient care. Surgical APGAR score (SAS) has been validated to predict post-surgical complications (PCs). We aimed to define a simple complications classification following hepatectomy based on a therapy-oriented severity Clavien-Dindo classification (CDC). 119 patients undergoing liver resection were included. PCs were determined at follow-up based on CDC. Clinicopathological factors were used to calculate SAS. A receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis estimated the predictive value of SAS for PCs. Circulating markers levels of liver injury were analyzed as critical elements on PCs. SAS (P=0.008), estimated blood-loss (P=0.018) and operation time (P=0.0008) were associated with PCs. SAS was reduced in patients with (+) compared to those without (-) complications (6.64±1.84 vs 5.70±1.79, P=0.0079). The area-under-the-curve was 0.646 by ROC, indicating an acceptable discrimination with 65% possibility to distinguish (-) and (+) groups (P=0.004). Best cutoff value for SAS was ≤6/≥7, at which sensitivity and specificity were maximal. ALT/ASL levels were significantly different within the group with 9-10 SAS points (P=0.01 and 0.02). In conclusion, SAS provides accurate risk stratification for major PCs after hepatectomy, and might help improving the overall patient outcome.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 4.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 72.62%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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