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A 3D-Printed Extra-Oral Appliance for Orthodontic Traction of a Palatally Impacted Canine

Author(s): Gianluigi Fiorillo, Lorenzo Garrisi, Alice Mandelli, Fabio Arnò, Rosalia Leonardi, Gualtiero Mandelli, Giorgio Gastaldi.

Background: The present case report shows the production and effective clinical use of a 3D-printed facemask tailored to the patient’s anatomical characteristics for the orthodontic traction of a palatally impacted canine.

Methods: A 31-year-old female patient with an impacted upper right canine was treated using Invisalign in association with two palatal miniscrews and a customized facemask. The facemask was designed on the basis of a 3D CBCT and a face scan and it was produced with additive manufacturing techniques. 3D modeling of facemask components was performed using 3Shape Appliance Designer and 3D printed in biocompatible resin. The treatment plan involved the patient wearing Invisalign 22 h per day and the facemask 12 h per day. Combining Invisalign, skeletal anchorage and customized facemask, we were able to solve the case preventing unwanted movements caused by the use of any dental anchorage.

Journal Statistics

Impact Factor: * 4.2

CiteScore: 2.9

Acceptance Rate: 72.62%

Time to first decision: 10.4 days

Time from article received to acceptance: 2-3 weeks

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