An Unusual Metastatic Site of a Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report
Author(s): Maryam Cheddadi, Samia Sassi, Ismail Boujida, Omar Ibelkouchene, Sabrine Derqaoui, Siham Mesmoudi, Ahmed Jahid, Fouad Zouaidia, Zakia Bernoussi, Kaoutar Znati
Metastasis to distant sites in cases of differentiated thyroid cancer is uncommon, with the lungs and bones being the most commonly affected areas. Soft tissue metastases are exceedingly rare. Here, we present an uncommon case of soft tissue metastasis of papillary thyroid cancer to skeletal muscle. This case emphasizes that papillary thyroid carcinoma, while typically following an indolent course, can result in distant metastases to unusual locations.